::The Evolution Gallery::

Please Don't steal My Fan Artwork
or I'll send Wolvie out after ya.
(Borders Indicate New or recent Artwork)

Don't like Current Evo Gambit..Tried designing my own Evo Gambit
Title:Gambit Concepts
Medium Used:Pencil
Notes:Don't like the Evo
Gambit Design so I attempted my own

Rogue Yeah..
Title:Rogue Sketch 1
Medium Used:Pencil
Notes:one of my first Rogue sketchs

Manga-ish Rogue? I dunno I was in a weird mood
Title:Manga-ish Rogue
Medium Used:Pencil
Depressed Rogue
Title:Rogue Sketch 2
Medium Used:Pencil

Rogue sketched while watching the others
Title:Rogue Marker Sketch
Medium Used:Sharpie Marker
Notes:She actually LOOKS like Evo Rogue.

::Oekaki Board::
First Kurt Drawing Ever :)

Title:Kurt Profile
Notes:First Pic of Kurt ever.

The Artist Kurt!
Title:Kurt The Artist
Notes:Hehe :)
Comic Book-ish Style Kurt
Title:Comic Style Kurt
Notes:First attempt at more
of a comic book feel..
My Try at Designing Jubes Evo Style I don't like her current Evo Design they use..Yuck
Notes:Gambit Profile

Todd Sketched then colored in Photoshop no ink

Medium Used:Pencil+Photoshop

::Hop on Back Click on Todd::

Head on back!

::Thanks for looking!::

Disclaimer:I do not own X-men Evolution or any of it's character rights.Please don't sue me I'm not making any profit off of this website it's just for fun.X-men and related characters are ©Marvel Comics/etc./etc.